The tesseract of oceanic thinking,, courtesy of Logan Ramsay

Fragments and Flows: How do we write as the ocean? Past Event

Presented by Logan Ramsay


Sat 25 May 9:30am - 11:00am
Sat 01 Jun 9:30am - 11:00am


Free, Booking Required


Port Melbourne Beach
Port Melbourne Beach, Victoria, Australia


Low sensory / relaxed, Seating available

From the connective sands and shore of South Melbourne Beach this hybrid workshop will explore what it means to write as the ocean. In a collaborative academic talk, meets workshop, meets performance — Logan Ramsay, will guide a stream of consciousness, augmented writing practice to explore how we might better tell relational story in the digital age by sending our writing practice to the waves. Audiences will be invited to part ways with the landed linear into ways of exploring the natural movement of volume, and even turbulence in a writing as oceanic thinking — charting a course for incorporating and navigating our own associations, imaginaries and metaphors, bringing cyclic flows, circuits and dynamic thinking to the written word and design. Audiences will engage with the site of Port Phillip Bay, connecting undersea data cable streams with the crinkling silica dioxide underfoot and will walk away with a deeper material engagement and relation with the digital world and writing practice.


Logan Ramsay

Hi I’m Logan, a writer, digital artist and ocean/digital media/writing researcher at RMIT. My practice works with the non-linear dynamic quality of words evolving at exponential rate in the digital space — from AI and game design to immersive interactive media. I’m fascinated by the overlap with the ocean as a material metaphor to craft relational story and make sense of this updraft. My research is back-grounded by the Blue Humanities and digital media writing and asks how do we write like the ocean? How do we stir up poetic streams into collaborative currents?