Exterior monologue. Image by Virginia Overell

Exterior Monologue Past Event


Thu 23 May 8:30am - 5:30pm
Fri 24 May 8:30am - 5:30pm
Mon 27 May 8:30am - 5:30pm
Tue 28 May 8:30am - 5:30pm
Wed 29 May 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thu 30 May 8:30am - 5:30pm
Fri 31 May 8:30am - 5:30pm


Free, No Booking Required


Leo Simon Entranceway, Glyn Davis Building (Melbourne School of Design)
Melbourne School of Design (Glyn Davis Building), Masson Road, Parkville VIC, Australia


Accessible bathroom, All gender bathroom, Assistance animals welcome, Seating available, Wheelchair accessible

Exterior Monologue is a video projection installation, reflecting on both built landscape sites and nonsites to explore how daily use, sensory experience and embedded memories continually build place beyond initial design intent.

Drawing on the motifs of the YouTube POV live streaming or ‘walking videos,’ participants were invited to make a video or audio piece focused on a landscape/exterior place of their choice. The responses range from ambient and meditative to dynamic and active and offer a perception of place through the eye, words, and movements of another.

The resulting collage of contributions create a partial map, spanning seasons and time zones, layering the spatial and social dynamics of space to communicate the making of place through everyday use and subjective experience.


Virginia Overell

Virginia Overell is a landscape architect and artist based on the lands of the Kulin Nation. She has a deep interest in design that performs both ecologically and therapeutically and is passionate about the potential for public space to elicit joy and pleasure, particularly within a dense urban context. As an artist she has exhibited at The Ian Potter Museum of Art, Gertrude Contemporary, TarraWarra Museum of Art, The National Gallery of Victoria: Australia and as part of the Tbiilisi Triennial in Georgia. Currently, she is working as a senior landscape architect at OCULUS.

Olivia O’Donnell

Olivia O’Donnell is a registered landscape architect based on the lands of the Kulin Nation with a background in fine art. Material investigations, prototyping and circularity inform Olivia’s approach to practice with projects spanning streetscapes, public housing and education. She is currently co-leading an adaptive reuse studio in the architecture faculty at RMIT.

Olivia and Virginia run an intermittent newsletter Out There – a place to collate and share links, ideas, tangents, circumnavigating landscape.

They are both members of Second Place, a collective opening dialogues around alternative and expanded modes of landscape architectural practice.

Additional Participants

Alistair Kirkpatrick

Anthony Romano

Asa Kremmer

Bede Brennan

Blake Barns

Caeylen Norris

Cameron Allan McKean

Chloe Stevens

Christopher LG Hill

Colby Vexler

Dalton Stewart

Daphne Mohajer va Pesaran


Giles Fielke

Hoddle Skateboards

Holly Hein

Hugh Egan Westland

Jac Semmler

Jane Caught

Jia Jia Chen

Jillian Walliss

Joel Kirkham

Jordan Halsall

Kana Shimizu

Kate Meakin

Keren Maina

Leonard Koren

Liam Oxlade

Linda Tegg

Luca Lana

Olivia Koh

Madeline Simm

Mark Jacques

Molly Coulter

Nils Norman

Nina Tory-Henderson

Olivia O’Donnell

Rebecca Jensen

Renee Cosgrave

Renee Miller-Yeaman

Ricky Ray Ricardo

Robert Lundberg

Sebastian Dewhurst

Tamsen Hopkinson

Terren Shi

Toby Dean + Lloyd Mst

Tristen Harwood

Virginia Overell

Yhonnie Scarce

Ying-Lan Dann

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