Narelle Desmond, Cover Up Curtain (Hidden Costs), 2023. Photo by Ryan Renshaw. Courtesy of the Artist and The Renshaws’, Brisbane

Dozing Past Event

Presented by Artbank


Thu 23 May 10:00am - 4:00pm
Fri 24 May 10:00am - 4:00pm
Mon 27 May 10:00am - 4:00pm
Tue 28 May 10:00am - 4:00pm
Wed 29 May 10:00am - 4:00pm
Thu 30 May 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Opening Event
Fri 31 May 10:00am - 4:00pm


Free, Booking Required


Accessible bathroom, All gender bathroom, Seating available, Wheelchair accessible

As part of Melbourne Design Week 2024, Artbank has invited Melbourne artist Narelle Desmond to exhibit recent and historical works alongside works by Hany Armanious, Vivienne Binns, Lou Hubbard and Sangeeta Sandrasegar from the Artbank Collection.

Desmond is a multidisciplinary artist exploring the intersections of design, art history, critical theory, and popular culture. Her practice examines the role of design and manufactured objects in shaping our experiences. Themes such as consumerism and practices of mass production raise questions for her about the consequences of modernity and its reductive afterlife. Through this lens her artworks, reinterpret familiar objects and commercial products, using them as tools to navigate and critique the world, revealing the complex ways in which design influences our reality.

Dozing presents a series of Desmond’s works alongside works from the Artbank Collection. The works range from the playful informal aesthetic of the ready-made in Lou Hubbard and Hany Armanious, through to critical juxtapositions posed by Vivienne Binns and Sangeeta Sandrasegar. These works operate in the exhibition space with consideration to staging and the interior.

The exhibition will continue until July 5.


Narelle Desmond
Narelle Desmond is a multidisciplinary artist based in Melbourne (Naarm/Birrarung-ga) whose work explores the intersection of art, design and popular culture through conceptual considerations of object making. Desmond is a co-founder of Conners Conners Gallery at the Fitzroy Town Hall and was a founding member of artist group DAMP. She currently teaches design at the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne.