Image courtesy of Satellite Foundation

StigmaBeat Panel | A Youth-led Discussion on Stigma Reduction in Mental Health Past Event

Presented by Satellite Foundation


Thu 30 May 5:30pm - 7:30pm


Booking Required


Today Design, Level 8
54 Wellington Street, Collingwood VIC 3066, Australia


Accessible bathroom, All gender bathroom, Seating available, Wheelchair accessible

A screening, a short presentation and a youth-led panel discussion to talk openly about how we might create positive social change to end stigma surrounding mental health. StigmaBeat is a dynamic, youth-led, storytelling project that was co-designed and co-produced with young people in Gippsland in 2022.

Three short films will be screen – co-created by young people and focused on reducing mental health stigma. These will be followed by a short presentation on the process of using creativity and co-design to create the films.

Afterwards, a panel discussion will ensue with one of the co-designers from the Gippsland project, alongside representative from YLab (a co-design and consulting social enterprise) and batyr (a preventative mental health organisation). The panel is moderated by Elfy Scott, an award-winning freelance journalist, presenter and producer, and current Satellite ambassador who has published her debut book focusing on the silence and stigma that surrounds complex mental health conditions in Australia.

Join the Satellite Foundation for an evening of discussion, ideas and creative explorations on the topic of reducing stigma and mental health. There will be participatory elements inviting attendees to reflect on what makes a safe and inclusive space – linked to the iteration of this project around creating safe and inclusive spaces that enable brave conversations about stigma.


Satellite Foundation

Satellite Foundation is a not-for-profit that connects and empowers young people aged 8 to 25+, working together with them to support their individual, ongoing growth and transformation journey. We want every young person to have access to safe, creative, and inclusive spaces for brave conversations that enhance their mental health, wellbeing, and connectedness. By providing facilitated spaces that centre lived experience, mental health and wellbeing, and creativity, young people can explore possibilities and realise their full potential. Satellite puts children and young people at the heart of everything we do, and we’re here for the long term – supporting young people into early adulthood and beyond.

Today Design

Today is a design agency that make services, policy, and products more impactful. It makes the case for social or environmental change through project-based work, solving specific problems through the use of thoughtful design and clever technology.

Elfy Scott

An award-winning freelance journalist, presenter and producer, and current Satellite Ambassador who has published her debut book, The One Thing We’ve Never Spoken About,  focusing on the silence and stigma that surrounds complex mental health conditions in Australia.

Salih Ishaq-Ojibara, Senior Associate from YLab

YLab is a co-design and consulting social enterprise that was imagined by the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) to equip young people with the skills and networks to design a better future. Its work is driven by young people, not for them.

Keisha Healy, Storyteller from batyr

batyr is a for purpose preventative mental health organisation, created and driven by young people, for young people. It runs programs that smash the stigma surrounding mental ill health and empower young people to reach out for support.

Harlequin (Harley) Goodes, La Trobe Youth Space Trainee & Stigma Beat Participant/Co-Designer

Latrobe Youth Space is a youth led adult guided initiative that endeavours to empower the young people of the Latrobe Valley. The youth space provides activities and services that will help grow the skills and experiences and lead to new opportunities.